Trinity: Exaggeration of Diversity - rejection of Unity

In the history of theology there are many exaggerations of the doctrine of the Trinity. One alternative is polytheism, in which there are many gods, which typically fall into different ranks or levels. These include not only the gods of the ancient Europeans, but also the alleged Hindu "Trinity" of Brahma, Krishna, and Vishnu. (Not to mention Shiva, Ganesha, Rama, Kali ....).

Polytheism unleashes confusion. Who is really in control? What unifying principles can exist in such a situation? Even if we do not include problems of the created universe, there are problems in heaven. What is the ultimate origin of God? If God is not unified, then it follows that God may be derivative, i.e. not self-sufficient or eternal. Such confusing speculations are the consequence of a loss of unity in the Godhead.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1.

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