-B: Christ's Two Natures: Exaggeration of Equality -> Rejection of Diversity

"We therefore acknowledge two natures or substances, the divine and the human, in one and the same Jesus Christ our Lord (Heb. ch. 2).  And we say that these are bound and united with one another in such a way that they are not absorbed, or confused, or mixed, but are united or joined together in one person -- hte properties of the natures being unimpaired and permanent."

"The sects.  And indeed we detest the dogma of the Nestorians who make two of the one Christ and dissolve the unity of the Person.  Likewise we thoroughly execrate the madness of Eutyches and of the Monothelites or Monophysites who destroy the property of the human nature."

Second Helvetic Confession, 5.066, 5.068 (1566)


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